Wholesale Distribution

Manage dynamic financial metrics and maintain your best sourcing relationships.

A barge filled with shipping containers sailing through a port at sunrise

Wholesale Distribution

Manage dynamic financial metrics and maintain your best sourcing relationships.

Throughout the lifecycle of your wholesale distribution business, you will experience highs and lows impacted by internal and external forces. Keeping supply channels humming and maintaining distribution rights create your life force. Managing the expectations of people and markets create your challenges. Here is what you can control:

    • Budgeting and forecasting
    • Competitive compensation
    • Timely capital investment
    • Financial risk management
    • Due diligence on business partners
    • Tax planning and mitigation

Having this foundation in place gives you leverage to negotiate financing, conduct business domestically and internationally, attract and retain talent and maintain modern operations. The right advisory team can help.

Our closely held distribution clients have to constantly monitor their acquisition costs and pricing strategy because their margins directly impact owner income. We frequently consult with them to maximize their return in this changing environment.

- Leah Belanger, CPA, MST, Shareholder

For growth strategies, when you are thinking about acquiring another company, bringing on a key employee or a new owner arrangement, a big part of Walter Shuffain’s experience and knowledge is the structuring of those relationships for financial and tax opportunities. Deciding when and how to take on debt and how to offer compensation (salary or stock?) are also key issues in our wheelhouse. Walter Shuffain has served the wholesale distribution industry since our founding days, and we have evolved our services with it.

What matters is how you imagine your ideal future. You can build it by accessing business valuations and succession planning, M&A consulting, estate planning and wealth management services all through Walter Shuffain’s team and trusted resources.

To get started, ask about our tax planning services, audit experience and comprehensive business consulting. (Audit and Assurance Services are provided by WS CPAs PC)

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